How to debug OpenStack Heat?

If you can execute Heat command via console interface - all good. It is the most simple way to check Heat state on the node - just execute CLI command 'heat list'. See more information about Heat in openstack wiki page

If 'heat list' returns 503 error

It means that OpenStack Heat configuration files contain incorrect credentials. Need to set 'user' = 'heat' and change passwords 'verybadpass' in all configuration files from directory /etc/heat/

If 'heat list' hangs up

Sometimes you can see that 'heat list' hangs up. The root of this problem - connection to the rabbitMQ.

How I can connect to LoadBalancer instance in Server Farms?

First of all you should have KeyPair file 'murano-lb-key'. You can create this file using commands

nova keypair-add murano-lb-key > murano-lb-key.priv
chmod 600 murano-lb-key.priv

And after that server farms need to be created with this KeyPair. The second step is to 'how to connect to VM with LoadBalancer':

ssh -i murano-lb-key.priv root@

Murano dashboard can not connect to Murano API. How I can fix it?

This problem has two ways to fix: Add string


to the /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings (or /etc/openstack-dashboard/ - it depends on OpenStack configuration) and after that web server restart is needed. Add keystone endpoints for Murano API

keystone service-create --name muranoapi --type murano --description "Murano-Api Service"
keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne --service-id
--publicurl http://localhost:8082 --internalurl http://localhost:8082 --adminurl http://localhost:8082

Murano API Service does not work on CentOS 6.x. WebUI can not connect to this service. How to fix this?

The problem in pip lib routes. Need to upgrade this lib and restart Murano API:

python-pip install routes --upgrade
initctl stop murano-api
initctl start murano-api

Error 'Unexpected state' during the deployment of Web Farms. What the problem?

Sometimes we can see in deployments logs:

2013-08-06 09:10:07 - Unable to deploy instance ipkrmhk0vzq4b6 (asp-farm_instance_0) due to Unexpected state
2013-08-06 09:10:07 - Unable to create a Server Farm load balancer on unit ipkrmhk0vzq4b6 (asp-farm_instance_0) due to Unexpected state

The root of this problem is incorrect configuration - Heat can not create Load Balancer instance. Please, remember that you should have admin access for the project in OpenStack to deploy LoadBalancer and also, you should have KeyPair with default name 'murano-lb-key'.

Error in Murano API logs 'No module named helpers.token_sanitizer'

This pip version problem. Need to install pip 1.4 and after that reinstall murano-client, murano-common and murano-api.