Execution plans are a description of what should be executed on Murano Agent at VM to perform some deployment step.

Execution plans is a JSON document that has 3 keys:

As for other Murano JSON templates keys and values starting with $ sign will be replaced with a values provided in Workflow.

Example of execution plan:

            "Name": "Deploy-WebAppFromGit",
                "URL": "$repository"
    "RebootOnCompletion": 0

Result of execution plan has the following format:

    "IsException": false,
            "IsException": false,
            "Result": [ "result value" ]

There are result entry for each source command. Each result can have many values - all the outputs of PowerShell function. If IsException is set to true then Result is an array in form of ["Exception type", "Error message"]. IsException at command level means exception during function invocation while root IsException means that execution plan cannot be even started (corrupted data, PowerShell engine failure etc.)

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