Murano Metadata Repository is used to operate (store, display, group and use for deployment) the metadata objects. It is the simplest possible storage for metadata objects, without any significant modifications in the existing Murano components.
- Metadata object type
Name of supported metadata objects. For now there are 6 of them:
Service Manifest - manifests
Workflow - workflow
Heat templates - heat
Agent templates - agent
Scripts - scripts
UI definitions - ui
- Service Manifest
Defines basic properties of the services. It binds together metadata objects by defining the names of the files required for a given service. The manifest should be defined as a yaml file.
- Workflow
Definition of workflow rules and actions needed to deploy a service
- Heat templates
A parametrized Heat template
- Agent templates
A template for Agent execution plan (contains script imports and commands to execute)
- Scripts
A script which is referenced in execution plan and is executed on the Agent. Conductor loads the content of this file, base-64 encodes it and injects it into the execution plan
- UI definitions
A definition of the dynamic User Interface for service configuration in the Dashboard.