There are several functions that affect workflow execution. <stop/> stops execution of workflows causing Conductor returning current result back to REST API service and stop deployment activities.

<mute/> excludes current object from being processed by the current rule during next workflow rounds. Mutes table tracks items using pairs or rule id (that is rule function argument, auto-generated if not provided) and object ID ("id" attribute of current object. If object has no such attribute it cannot be muted). It is possible to explicitly specify rule id via "rule" argument and object id via "id" argument. Missing parameters are auto-guest from current context - current cule ID and current object ID.

Note that objects are automatically muted for every object that matched by the rule but the mutes get reseted after each workflow loop round. <mute/> places a permanent mute on the object

Mutes can be removed by <unmute/> function which has exactly the same arguments as <mute/> command but is only usable with explicit specification of rule and id because otherwise if the current object is already muted the rule body would not be executed for the object and thus <unmute/> would not be executed either.

When referencing id of a nested rule IDs of all rule chain must be joined by dot. E.g.

    <rule id="id1">
        <rule id="id2">
            <mute rule="id1.id2"/>

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