Domain name

Enter a desired name for a new domain. This name should fit to DNS Domain Name requirements: it should contain only A-Z, a-z, 0-9, (.) and (-) and should not end with a dash. DNS server will be automatically set up on each of the Domain Controller instances. Period characters are allowed only when they are used to delimit the components of domain style names. Single-level domain is not appropriate. Note: Only first 15 characters or characters before first period is used as NetBIOS name.

Instance Count

You can create several Active Directory instances by setting instance number larger than one. One primary Domain Controller and a few secondary DCs will be created.

Account Name

You account will have Active Directory administrator rights. So initial value is "Administrator" but you can change it to any name you like.

Administrator password

Windows requires strong password for service administration. Your password should have at least one letter in each register, a number and a special character. Password length should be a minimum of 7 characters. Once you forget your password you won't be able to operate the service until recovery password would be entered. So it's better for Recovery and Administrator password to be different.

Confirm password

Password confirmation is required.

Recovery password

Restrictions are the same as for the Administrator password. Please provide password that is different from Administrator. It's not required for form validation though.

Confirm password

Password confirmation is required.