Naming Conventions
To clearly separate commands and parts of configuration files we use boxes, like shown below:
[Some config] ... some_key1 = some_value1 some_key2 = some_value2 ...
>$ echo ‘Execute this command as regular user’ ># echo ‘Execute this command as root’
All commands start either with ‘>$’ mark or with ‘>#’ mark. The difference is that first should be executed as regular user, while second - as superuser (‘root’).
Use Appropriate Branch
Master is a brunch for a development purposes. For stable releases appropriate branch names are using: release-0.1, release-0.2 and so on.
Use Separate vHost in RabbitMQ
In general it is OK to configure Murano services to use the root (‘/’) vHost in RabbitMQ and use the same user credentials as OpenStack services use. However, we recommend to create a separate vHost with separate user for each Murano devbox. There are a few reasons for that:
this prevents queue name collisions
this prevents message stealing from queues
this simplify debugging
If you are planning to use only one devbox then you may stay vHost with ‘/’. Required steps to configure your own vHost are described in RabbitMQ Configuration Notes.