Copy and edit configuration files:
cd /etc/murano cp murano-api.conf.sample murano-api.conf cp murano-api-paste.ini.sample murano-api-paste.ini
according to your environment:rabbitmqctl add_user muranouser murano rabbitmqctl set_user_tags muranouser administrator rabbitmqctl add_vhost muranovhost rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p muranovhost muranouser ".*" ".*" ".*"
[ssl] sets up SSL parameters - paths to required files in case of ssl connection. For more information how to configure SSL take a look at SSL configuration chapter
In [keystone_authtoken] configure parameters of Openstack Keystone service. For more information see Auth-Token Middleware with Username and Password
Another murano-api configuration file located at
and does not require any changes.
Register murano-api service in Openstack. To do that perform the following commands:
You need to be authorized in Openstack to run this commands
$ keystone service-create --name muranoapi --type murano --description "Murano-Api Service" $ keystone endpoint-create --region RegionOne --service-id The ID field returned by the keystone service-create --publicurl http://x.x.x.x:8082 (where x.x.x.x - host ip where murano-api installed) --internalurl the same as publicurl --adminurl the same as publicurl